Rosen Ivanov Pasarelski
Research Units
Affiliated Research areas
- Computer architecture, embedded systems, operating systems
- Security, privacy, cryptology, quantum cryptography
- Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, natural language processing
- Systems and Communication Engineering
- Communication systems, wireless technology, high-frequency technology
- Networks, e.g. communication networks and nodes, Internet of Things, sensor networks, networks of robots
Teaching areas
Rosen Pasarelski is an associate professor at the New Bulgarian University in the professional field 5.3. "Communication and Computer Engineering".
He is a full-time lecturer at NBU and a scientist for more than 20 years in the field of telecommunications, being the author of over 90 publications in the PN5.3. "Communication and Computer Engineering", as well as a participant in many significant national and international projects, conferences and symposia. Prof. Rosen Pasarelski participating as a leader and member in expert groups at the NEAA, on accreditations of professional fields and institutional accreditations in the field of technical sciences on a national scale. He is the Chief Scientific Editor of the Telecommunications Yearbook, at the Telecommunications Department of NBU, indexed in the Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEOOL). Rosen Pasarelski is a member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Conference "Knowledge, Science, Technologies, Innovations" at the "Institute for Knowledge, Science and Innovations", Veliko Tarnovo. He is a member of the International Scientific Program Committee of the Annual University Scientific Conference of the Vasil Levski National University, Veliko Tarnovo. Assoc. Prof. Rosen Pasarelski currently holds the administrative position of Head of the Telecommunications Department in NBU.