Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy


Privacy statement: Information in relation to the data processing regarding the ERUA Research portal


Joint Controllers who are responsible for the processing of your personal data 

Joint Controllers Established Address Contact Email




Kind of personal data we process and purposes


In the framework of ERUA research portal, we collect various categories of data relating to you, including:

  • Personal information (names and surnames).
  • Contact information (e-mail address).
  • Academic and professional data (university, faculty, department, academic position).
  • Research expertise and interests (Links to publication, links to other pages, spoken languages, keywords describing research interest, Research areas, wanted research collaborations).

Lawful basis

The processing of your personal data in relation to the above purposes is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, in the legitimate interest and for the performance of the contract (among the partners) according to Article 6 of “General Data Protection Regulation” (EU) 2016/679.

Data storage period

Data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected and until the 31 September 2025.

Data security and confidentiality

We have implemented a range of technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data processed through the research portal. These measures include:

  •  Access Controls: Access to the research portal is strictly controlled and limited to authorized personnel who require access to perform their duties. User accounts are protected with strong passwords and subject to regular review and update.
  •  Encryption: Personal data stored in the research portal is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access in the event of a data breach or unauthorized disclosure.
  • Regular Data Backups: We regularly back up the research portal's data to ensure that in the event of data loss or corruption, we can restore the information to its previous state.
  •  Employee Training: We provide training and awareness programs to employees who have access to personal data. This training covers data protection best practices, security protocols.



The recipients of your personal data are the above-mentioned Universities and those in charge of processing your data on behalf of the University. Your data will not be made public, nor transferred to third parties (outside the EU) unless there is a legal obligation to do so.



As a data subject, you have the following rights:

  • The right of access enabling you to request a copy of the personal data we hold on you.
  • The right of rectification entailing that you are able to request to correct your personal data in case it’s inaccurate.
  • The right to be forgotten entailing that you can request us to erase your personal data.
  • The right to restrict processing entailing that you can request us to limit the processing of your personal data.
  • The right to data portability enabling you to request to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
  • The right to object to use your data if you have a valid reason and if we process your data on the basis of a legitimate interest.

Please contact the following email addresses, by explicitly specifying your request, if you wish to exercise your rights:

University Contact Email
University of Paris 8
University of the Aegean 
New Bulgarian University 

Data protection officers

 If you consider that your rights were not attended well enough, you can contact with the data protection officers of the universities of ERUA at the following addresses:

University DPO Contact Email Website
University of Paris 8
University of the Aegean
New Bulgarian University

Policy Review

This policy is subject to regular review and may be updated from time to time.


Cookie Policy for ERUA Research portal



This Cookie Policy outlines how ERUA uses cookies on our ERUA research portal. We only use essential cookies, which are necessary for the functioning of the website and provide basic functionalities. By using our website, you consent to the use of these essential cookies in accordance with this policy.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device (computer, tablet, or mobile) when you visit a website. They serve various purposes, such as improving website functionality, enhancing user experience, and analyzing website performance.

Essential Cookies

We use essential cookies on our website to ensure its proper functioning and provide you with essential features and services. These cookies do not collect any personal information and are strictly necessary for the operation of the website.

Types of Essential Cookies We Use

a) Session Cookies: These cookies are temporary and are deleted when you close your browser. They are essential for navigating and accessing secure areas of the website.

b) Functional Cookies: These cookies enable the website to remember your preferences and choices (such as language or font size) to provide a more personalized experience.

c) Security Cookies: These cookies help enhance the security of the website and protect it against malicious activities, such as unauthorized access or fraudulent use.

The only cookie used by the ERUA research portal are below cookies. Both comply with the RGDP and are therefore exempt from consent.:

  • Session cookie
  • Matomo's audience measurement cookies

Third-Party Cookies

We do not use any third-party cookies on our website. We solely utilize essential cookies that are directly managed and controlled by ERUA research portal.

Cookie Management

Most web browsers allow you to control or block cookies through their settings. However, please note that blocking essential cookies may impact the functionality and usability of our website.

Data Protection and Privacy

We are committed to protecting your personal information and ensuring your privacy. The use of essential cookies does not involve the collection or processing of personal data. For more information on how we handle your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy

Policy Updates

We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time to reflect any changes in our practices or legal requirements. We encourage you to review this policy periodically for any updates.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Cookie Policy, please contact us at

Last updated: 1 August 2024