Evgenia Dimitrova Hristova

Associate Professor New Bulgarian University

Research Units

Head of the research unit:

Affiliated Research areas

  • Econometrics, game theory, decision theory
  • Behavioural economics; experimental economics; neuro-economics
  • Reasoning, decision-making; intelligence


  • Moral judgement
  • Moral dilemmas
  • eye tracking
  • game theory

Teaching areas

  • Experimental psychology
  • Eye tracking


assoc. prof. Evgeniya Hristova, PhD - has a PhD in Psychology and is an associate professor at the Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology, New Bulgarian University and a researcher at the Research Center for Cognitive Science, New Bulgarian University. Evgeniya Hristova is actively doing research in the fields of moral psychology, augmentative and alterantive communication, eye-gaze assistive technologies, game theory, decision-making, experimental philosophy. In her research she combines psychological experiments, eye-tracking recordings, and psychophysiological measures. She has participated in several international and national research projects. In recent years, an important part of her activities has been in the field of augmentative and alternative communication and assistive technologies for eye control. She is a co-author of an educational program and methodology for training children with severe motor disabilities aged 3-6 years. She is an author and co-author of more than 60 papers (in Bulgarian and in English).

Contact Info

translate Languages spoken : English, Bulgarian

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